Sunday, October 1, 2017

This Is What Has The Elite Worried Across The Globe

Downward Pressure On The US Dollar

Gerald Celente: “The market was waiting for signals from the ECB and from the Fed on what they were going to do with unwinding their massive debt that they’ve accumulated with the bond buying schemes and the future of interest rates. Neither of those were addressed. All they did was blab. And that’s when you started seeing more downward pressure on the US dollar…

So looking at what the government knows and what they are telling us, they don’t know at a lot of levels what to do. And one of them is how to unwind this massive debt. You’re talking about just six central banks having over $15 trillion of debt that they’ve accumulated. How are they going to get rid of this debt? They don’t know how. So they are going to try to stop gold from going up every time they can, but they don’t know…

- Read More at King World News